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There is no person on Earth that does not know what it feels like to suffer from anxiety and depression. Sometimes, these feelings can be overwhelming enough to feel like a crippling burden. It is said that a person with severe anxiety may experience the severity of the disorder in their everyday life, including within their work environment. A case study conducted by Ebang et al. 2008 looked at how the negative effects of social media usage on mental health among college students with severe anxiety disorders in China were exacerbated by depressive symptoms caused by social media usage among these students. In this study, they found that "anxiety levels rose with time spent on Facebook" and "depressive symptoms increased significantly when people logged onto Facebook for more than half an hour. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, social media usage will have a negative effect on self-esteem for users. The use of social media has become problematic because it is so accessible. As reported by Karila, et al., it is estimated that 71 percent of young adults are on social media sites. This statistic does not even include adolescents. Furthermore, according to the same article, "those who are most frequently checking their mobile devices are also more likely to feel socially isolated." Social isolation can cause one's sense of self-worth to be lowered. The aforementioned study was conducted in order to investigate how Facebook usage can affect anxiety levels and depressive symptoms among college students with severe anxiety disorders. Therefore, it would be beneficial to conduct similar studies in order to examine the effects of social media usage on mental health. Currently, there are limited data on this matter. The fact that social media has become so mainstream has undoubtedly had a large effect on the generation that is currently growing up. It is because of social media that many people now have almost instantaneous access to all the information that they might need at any given moment, whether they want it or not. This is coupled with an increasing amount of knowledge being available instantaneously through online sources, which can readily shape opinions and how these opinions are formed. The internet allows people to be exposed to so much information that they do not even realize how much knowledge they are absorbing. A study conducted by Greitemeyer and Osswald in 2011 looked at the effect of Facebook use on the personal relationships of 691 participants. The results showed that Facebook usage had a negative effect on interpersonal closeness, because it decreased the frequency of face-to-face interactions with friends and influenced the way post-event interactions were evaluated. People infrequently stopped to think about how their behavior was affected while using social media; therefore, they did not make changes regarding how they behaved while using social media. Social Media and the Self: Consumers and their Profile Pictures on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat Shawna L. Carroll The research question that this study aims to address is whether individuals with a lower self-identified self-esteem have a higher tendency to utilize cosmetic enhancement in their profile picture on social media platforms, specifically Facebook. The procedures used were an online survey through Amazon Mechanical Turk where the sample consisted of participants aged between 18 - 34 who had a Facebook profile picture. The results of this study follow a significant trend in the hypothesized direction where people with a low self-esteem have a higher likelihood of using cosmetic enhancements in their profile pictures to portray themselves more positively via makeup, hair style/length or clothing choice. cfa1e77820